Experience the joy of great service! Our one-hour topper consultation is a unique experience. You will be welcomed into our salon with a choice of beverage of bubbles and a discussion with our host who will make certain we understand your needs and concerns. You will then be ushered into our salon where you can try on and experience as many topper lengths, colors and volumes that you wish, working with our master stylist. Our goal is that YOU have wonderful, calm experience, in an environment that makes you feel safe to talk about any hair issues and concerns. Your job is to talk to us and tell us what you want and need, and what your goals are for this appointment. Together, we are confident we can bring joy back into your daily routine.

Initial Styling

At the end of the hour, if you do choose to purchase a topper, your stylist will blend your new topper with your hair, trimming and curling for a harmonious, full look — for no charge and we will waive the $75 consultation fee. You will walk out the door full of joy, wearing the new you.

$75 Fee

If you’re undecided, and feel you need to wait – you only owe the $75 consultation fee. You are welcome to set up another appointment for a future time if you need more time to consider owning a topper.

Note: We ask that if you have to cancel this appointment you do so at least 48 hours in advance. Appointments cancelled within 48 hours of the appointment will be charged the $75 consultation fee.

Topper Pricing

Toppers vary in prices because of length, volume and color – the more hair, the higher the cost. Our commitment is to provide you the best value of the highest quality, hand-tied, human hair toppers and the best experience.

© 2023, Sullivan Hairwear, LLC