Taking care of your human hair topper is a lot like taking care of your own hair, with an exception. You get to do it like a stylist with a 360-degree view.

We offer a great product bundle that has absolutely everything you need to take care of and style your new topper.  It includes high quality hair care products, a mannequin head, and a styling stand which allows you the most convenient way to work with your topper at home. We also provide step by step washing and styling instructions so you don’t have to worry about if you’re doing it “right.”

If you are like many people, you might prefer to just have someone else take care of your topper for you.  And we offer our Hair Care Club for those who just want to drop their topper off and pick it up totally refreshed. The choice is yours! Learn more about the Hair Care Club.

 Here’s some general information to keep in mind about caring for your human hair topper:

    • Brushing and Detangling: Human hair toppers can become tangled and knotted, so gentle brushing and detangling are necessary to prevent matting. Using a wide-tooth comb or a paddle brush is recommended.

    • Trimming and Maintenance: Regular trimming of the topper may be required to maintain the desired hairstyle. Just like natural hair, split ends can develop over time, and maintaining the topper’s shape is important for a natural look.

    • Moisture and Hydration: Human hair toppers don’t receive nourishment from the scalp, so it’s essential to keep them moisturized. Using leave-in conditioners or hair serums can help maintain the topper’s moisture balance and prevent dryness.

    • Protective Storage: When not in use, human hair toppers should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent damage. Using a specialized wig stand or mannequin head is ideal to maintain their shape and prevent tangling.

© 2023, Sullivan Hairwear, LLC